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Class C (truck), CE (truck + trailer)
We accept education vouchers



Possession class B
(For class CE the previous possession of class C is required)

Minimum age:

21 years (18 years for professional driver training)

Procedure and requirements

  • First aid course
  • Eye test
  • 2 passport photos
  • Copy of the identification document
  • ophthalmological report
  • medical examination

IMPORTANT: Not all physicians may perform this examination. Please clarify with the responsible driver's license office beforehand! Furthermore, a medical psychological examination is required from the age of 50.

Class C

  • Motor vehicle (truck) over 3.5t trailer up to max. 750 kg zGM
  • Inclusion of class C1

Class CE

  • Motor vehicles (trucks) over 3.5t with trailer (trucks and semitrailers)
  • Inclusion of class BE, C1E, T as well as D1E (if D1 is available), and DE (if D is available)

Time limit:

limited to 5 years
Ophthalmological certificate and medical examination must be renewed every 5 years

Theoretical training

Class C

For extension:

6 basic material topics additionally with previous possession

  • Class B = 10 x class specific topics
  • Class C1 = 4 x class specific topics
  • Class D1 = 4 x class specific topics
  • Class D = 2 x class specific topics

In case of joint acquisition of class B+C:

  • 12 Basic material topics
  • 10 class specific topics class C
  • 2 class specific topics class B

Class CE

For extension:

6 basic material topics additionally with previous possession

  • Class C = 4 x class specific topics

In case of joint acquisition of class C and CE with previous possession C1:

  • 6 Basic material topics
  • 4 class specific topics class C
  • 4 class specific topics class CE

In case of joint acquisition of class C and CE:

  • 6 Basic material topics
  • 10 class specific topics class C
  • 4 class specific topics class CE

Practical training

Class C

In case of expansion from B to C (or joint acquisition):

Basic training: depending on the driving skills of the learner driver.

Special trips:

  • 5 Intercity travel
  • 2 Motorway trips
  • 3 night rides

When expanding from C1 to C:

Basic training: depending on the driving skills of the learner driver.

Special trips:

  • 3 Intercity travel
  • 1 Motorway trip
  • 1 night trip


Class CE

When extending from C to CE:

Basic training: depending on the driving skills of the learner driver.

Special trips:

  • 5 Intercity travel
  • 2 Motorway trips
  • 3 night rides

When purchasing C + CE together (solo + platoon):

Basic training: depending on the driving skills of the learner driver.

Special trips:

  • 3 cross country class C
  • 5 Intercity travel class CE
  • 1 freeway trip class C
  • 2 Motorway driving class CE
  • 3 night driving class CE

Already butterflies in your stomach? Come by and let us advise you individually.

